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From TISS to Italy – Sharing tastes and learning culture

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What started as a project given to the students of the Hospitality and Tourism program at TISS, quickly evolved from fictitiously planning a trip, to jumping on a flight and heading overseas.  On March 8th, 2011 a group of 22 students, and seven teachers and parents made the trip to Italy. 

The trip, which organizer Peter Yerdon hopes to make into an annual event, had the group touring all across Italy and its most historical and culturally rich regions.  The group visited nine different cities including; Milan, Verona, Venice, Florence, Piza, Assissi, Pompey, Sorento and finally Rome. 

The trip to Italy, one of the world’s most renowned countries in the culinary arts, was aligned with the Hospitality and Tourism programs eight (8) key sectors; food and beverage, transportation, travel services, tourism trades, accommodation, adventure tourism, events and conferences, and attractions.  “This was a great trip and I think everyone had a great time learning and experiencing the culture of another country”, said Yerdon.  “We all learned more on the trip then we ever could have in the classroom”. 

Students Luke Millar and Sara Kelsey reiterated Yerdon’s sentiments in regards to the experience and learning hands on about the culture, food and regions of Italy.  “The whole trip was amazing”, said Millar, adding that the group not only learned about Italy but about each other during the 10-day trip.  “We learned to appreciate what we have at home”, said Kelsey.  “They take the time to enjoy life, rather than running from one thing to another”. 

The food and tourism aspects of the trip were the main focus for the group, and they didn’t leave Italy disappointed.  “The attention to detail they put in preparing their food is unbelievable”, said Yerdon. 

“They make things that we buy already prepared from scratch.  Everything was done so differently than we are used to over here”, added Millar. 

The group has built a bond after their time together that has carried over into their everyday lives.  “Most of us weren’t close friends before the trip.  We became friends and will now always share a common bond”, said Kelsey. 

The program has already begun plans to prepare for next year’s trip to New York City. 

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