Canadian author Helen Humphreys signs copies of her new novel, Coventry, at the 1000 Islands Writer’s Festival preview event held at the First Presbyterian Church, last Thursday evening. Humphreys treated her audience to a preview of her upcoming novel, The Reinvention of Love. “We are writers,” she began. “We are meant to brandish a pen, not a pistol.” Humphreys, who also read from her best-selling novel, The Frozen Thames, is the first in an impressive slate of writers due to appear at the Festival this October. The festival itself will run from October 15th to October 16th, for more information visit
A formula for success11th annual Ribfest grows again this year Each year Ribfest seems to grow in popularity while many other festivals s... Read more |
Letter responding to the MayorIn a recent article by Mayor Henderson he asked the question “What is a development charge?” In that letter he very logi... Read more |
On Education & Parental InvolvementAs out-going School Council Chair for Thousand Islands Secondary School, I am encouraging all parents to take up the cha... Read more |
Something thought of, but shouldn’t be saidShortly after the Observer hit mailboxes last week the calls and emails poured in responding to the editorial I wrote ab... Read more |
Brockville finds it in their hearts for the less fortunateCity fundraising keeps going despite tough economical times The businesses and individuals around the Brockville area ... Read more |
After selling out huge stadium
I remember reading about a tre
Last week the entire country w
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