Local food banks received some pre-Christmas cheer thanks to those attending Leeds-Grenville MPP Steve Clark's Christmas Reception, held Sunday, December 12 at the Quality Hotel Royal Brock in Brockville. Approximately 200 people attended the event and brought with them 300 food items and more than $120 in cash donations for local food banks. Pictured with MPP Clark are, from the left, Bonnie Gommert, executive director, and Shorey Bowen, administrator and fundraiser, with the Food For All Food Bank in Prescott and Myra Garvin, co-chair, and Maureen Smith, volunteer co-ordinator, with Brockville's Operation Harvest Sharing Food Bank. Clark encouraged everyone in Leeds-Grenville to remember those in need by supporting a food bank in their area, not only during the Christmas season but year-round. - Submitted Photo
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Five new members were welcom
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The Brockville and Area Sports
Multi-media artist, Arlene H
Each member of the Hairstyli
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